【Lynda】Google SketchUp 8 Essential Training【CHN】中英文字幕[SRT]
教程名称:Google SketchUp 8 Essential Training
作者:George Maestri
主题:3D + Animation, CAD
使用软件:Google SketchUp 8
时长: 6h 26m
发布日期: Jun 28, 2011
Google SketchUp 8 Essential Training[SRT]
├─◆0. Introduction
│ └─◇ 0001 Welcome.srt
│ └─◇ 0002 Installing SketchUp.srt
│ └─◇ 0003 Starting SketchUp for the first time.srt
│ └─◇ 0004 Using the exercise files.srt
│ └─◇ 0005 Tips for Mac users.srt
├─◆1. Getting to Know the Interface
│ └─◇ 0101 Interface basics.srt
│ └─◇ 0102 Adding toolbars.srt
│ └─◇ 0103 Navigating.srt
│ └─◇ 0104 Changing perspective.srt
│ └─◇ 0105 Walking around.srt
│ └─◇ 0106 Creating camera views.srt
│ └─◇ 0107 Shading faces and edges.srt
│ └─◇ 0108 Creating shadows and fog.srt
│ └─◇ 0109 Creating Scenes.srt
│ └─◇ 0110 Setting preferences.srt
├─◆2. Manipulating Objects
│ └─◇ 0201 Selecting and moving objects.srt
│ └─◇ 0202 Scaling and rotating objects.srt
│ └─◇ 0203 Manipulating faces and edges.srt
│ └─◇ 0204 Advanced selection tools.srt
├─◆3. Drawing
│ └─◇ 0301 Line tool fundamentals.srt
│ └─◇ 0302 Refining objects with the Line tool.srt
│ └─◇ 0303 Using the Rectangle tool.srt
│ └─◇ 0304 Pushing and pulling faces into 3D.srt
│ └─◇ 0305 Creating circles and polygons.srt
│ └─◇ 0306 Creating arcs.srt
│ └─◇ 0307 Using the Offset tool to create outlines.srt
│ └─◇ 0308 Using the Follow Me tool.srt
│ └─◇ 0309 Softening round edges.srt
│ └─◇ 0310 Creating 3D text.srt
├─◆4. Measuring and Labeling
│ └─◇ 0401 Using the Tape Measure tool.srt
│ └─◇ 0402 Using the Protractor tool.srt
│ └─◇ 0403 Creating text labels.srt
│ └─◇ 0404 Using the Dimension tool.srt
│ └─◇ 0405 Creating sections.srt
├─◆5. Working with Components
│ └─◇ 0501 The Component window.srt
│ └─◇ 0502 Creating components.srt
│ └─◇ 0503 Using the 3D Warehouse.srt
│ └─◇ 0504 Importing from Google Earth.srt
│ └─◇ 0505 Using the Interact tool.srt
│ └─◇ 0506 Using the Component Options window.srt
├─◆6. Organizing Scenes
│ └─◇ 0601 Grouping objects.srt
│ └─◇ 0602 Working with layers.srt
│ └─◇ 0603 Creating layers.srt
│ └─◇ 0604 Using the Outliner.srt
│ └─◇ 0605 Hiding and unhiding objects.srt
│ └─◇ 0606 Locking and unlocking objects.srt
├─◆7. Creating Textures and Materials
│ └─◇ 0701 Using the Materials Browser on a Mac.srt
│ └─◇ 0702 Applying materials.srt
│ └─◇ 0703 Editing materials.srt
│ └─◇ 0704 Creating materials.srt
│ └─◇ 0705 Adjusting materials.srt
│ └─◇ 0706 Applying bitmap images.srt
│ └─◇ 0707 Mapping curved objects.srt
│ └─◇ 0708 Projecting maps on curved objects.srt
│ └─◇ 0709 Importing floor plans.srt
│ └─◇ 0710 Modeling with floor plans.srt
├─◆8. Rendering and Animating
│ └─◇ 0801 Applying styles.srt
│ └─◇ 0802 Editing styles.srt
│ └─◇ 0803 Outputting 2D bitmaps.srt
│ └─◇ 0804 Basic animation.srt
│ └─◇ 0805 Advanced animation.srt
├─◆9. Creating Terrain Using Sandbox
│ └─◇ 0901 Creating terrain from contours.srt
│ └─◇ 0902 Modeling objects with contours.srt
│ └─◇ 0903 Creating terrain from scratch.srt
│ └─◇ 0904 Sculpting with the Smoove tool.srt
│ └─◇ 0905 Stamping and draping objects on terrain.srt
├─◆10. Using Photo Match and Google Earth
│ └─◇ 1001 Geolocation with Google Maps.srt
│ └─◇ 1002 Using Photo Match to align cameras.srt
│ └─◇ 1003 Modeling in Photo Match.srt
├─◆11. SketchUp Pro- Creating Dynamic Components
│ └─◇ 1101 Using the Component Attributes window.srt
│ └─◇ 1102 Exposing component attributes.srt
│ └─◇ 1103 Using math and functions.srt
│ └─◇ 1104 Creating dynamic materials.srt
│ └─◇ 1105 Creating a dynamic staircase.srt
│ └─◇ 1106 Hiding objects dynamically.srt
│ └─◇ 1107 Configuring staircase rise and run.srt
│ └─◇ 1108 Adding interactivity- Motion.srt
│ └─◇ 1109 Adding interactivity- Rotation.srt
│ └─◇ 1110 Adding interactivity- Changing colors.srt
├─◆12. SketchUp Pro- Working with the Solid Tools
│ └─◇ 1201 Creating solids.srt
│ └─◇ 1202 Using Boolean operations (Union, Intersect, Subtract).srt
│ └─◇ 1203 Working with Trim and Split.srt
│ └─◇ 1204 Creating outer shells.srt
├─◆13. SketchUp Pro- Importing and Exporting
│ └─◇ 1301 Importing objects from AutoCAD.srt
│ └─◇ 1302 Importing other 3D objects.srt
│ └─◇ 1303 Exporting objects.srt
│ └─◇ 1304 Exporting objects for rendering.srt
│ └─◇ Goodbye.srt