【Lynda】Word 2010: Forms in Depth【CHN】中英文字幕[SRT]

作者: acely. 分类: Lynda中文字幕, ◇ 商业办公

教程名称:Word 2010: Forms in Depth
作者:Gini Courter
主题:Business, Forms
使用软件:Office 2010, Word 2010
时长: 2h 5m
发布日期: May 24, 2011


Word 2010- Forms in Depth[SRT]
├─◆0. Introduction
│ └─◇ 0001 Welcome.srt
│ └─◇ 0002 Introduction to electronic forms.srt
│ └─◇ 0003 Using the exercise files.srt
├─◆1. Getting to Know Word Forms
│ └─◇ 0101 Overview of form controls.srt
│ └─◇ 0102 Setting up for form design.srt
│ └─◇ 0103 Starting with a template from Microsoft.com.srt
│ └─◇ 0104 Using tables to design a form.srt
│ └─◇ 0105 Formatting form tables.srt
├─◆2. Inserting Form Controls to Capture Data
│ └─◇ 0201 Inserting content controls.srt
│ └─◇ 0202 Inserting a DropDownList control.srt
│ └─◇ 0203 Inserting a ComboBox control.srt
│ └─◇ 0204 Inserting a DatePicker control.srt
│ └─◇ 0205 Inserting a CheckBox control.srt
│ └─◇ 0206 Inserting a Picture control.srt
├─◆3. Finishing a Form
│ └─◇ 0301 Testing the form.srt
│ └─◇ 0302 Protecting the form.srt
│ └─◇ 0303 Saving a document as a template.srt
│ └─◇ 0304 Distributing the form template.srt
│ └─◇ 0305 Troubleshooting form issues.srt
├─◆4. Creating Internal Forms with Building Blocks
│ └─◇ 0401 Understanding building blocks.srt
│ └─◇ 0402 Creating and saving building blocks.srt
│ └─◇ 0403 Using the Building Block Gallery content control.srt
├─◆5. Creating Controls That Repeat Data
│ └─◇ 0501 Demonstrating controls that repeat data.srt
│ └─◇ 0502 Downloading and installing the Word Content Control Toolkit.srt
│ └─◇ 0503 Creating a schema using the Word Content Control Toolkit.srt
│ └─◇ 0504 Binding the schema nodes to the controls.srt
│ └─◇ 0505 Adding form controls for repeating data.srt
│ └─◇ What’s next.srt




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