【Lynda】Music Editing for TV and Film in Pro Tools【CHN】中英文字幕[SRT]

作者: acely. 分类: Lynda中文字幕, ◇ 视频拍摄与后期, ◇ 音频音乐与后期

教程名称:Music Editing for TV and Film in Pro Tools
作者:Skye Lewin
主题:Audio, Film Scoring, Post Production, Video, Audio for Video
使用软件:Pro Tools
时长: 3h 29m
发布日期: Oct 27, 2011


Music Editing for TV and Film in Pro Tools[SRT]
├─◆0. Introduction
│ └─◇ 0001 Welcome.srt
│ └─◇ 0002 Using the exercise files.srt
│ └─◇ 0003 A word about the film and music used in this course.srt
├─◆1. Getting Started
│ └─◇ 0101 Creating a template session for working to picture.srt
│ └─◇ 0102 Importing a picture file.srt
│ └─◇ 0103 What is time code.srt
│ └─◇ 0104 Syncing picture to Pro Tools.srt
│ └─◇ 0105 Importing audio files.srt
├─◆2. Editing Audio and Maneuvering in Pro Tools
│ └─◇ 0201 Using the Zoom and View commands.srt
│ └─◇ 0202 Utilizing the edit modes.srt
│ └─◇ 0203 Navigating with key commands.srt
│ └─◇ 0204 Creating and using sync points.srt
│ └─◇ 0205 Using the snap editing commands.srt
│ └─◇ 0206 Using memory locations.srt
│ └─◇ 0207 Customizing crossfades.srt
├─◆3. Editing Music to Picture
│ └─◇ 0301 Auditioning music to picture.srt
│ └─◇ 0302 Editing to acquire multiple sync points within the same cue.srt
│ └─◇ 0303 Editing to maintain or change the arc build of the cue to fit the scene.srt
│ └─◇ 0304 Editing the start and end of the cue.srt
│ └─◇ 0305 Setting up for a 30-second condensed edit.srt
│ └─◇ 0306 First pass of a 30-second condensed edit.srt
│ └─◇ 0307 Improving the 30-second condensed edit.srt
├─◆4. Creating Alternate Edits
│ └─◇ 0401 Exploring alternate edits of the same song.srt
│ └─◇ 0402 Editing different songs to the same scene.srt
├─◆5. Presenting the Edit
│ └─◇ 0501 Mixing the edit.srt
│ └─◇ 0502 Bouncing down the edit.srt
│ └─◇ 0503 Compressing the QuickTime files.srt
├─◆6. Conforming the Edit
│ └─◇ 0601 Conforming the edit to picture if the scene has shifted.srt
│ └─◇ 0602 Conforming the edit if a shot’s length changes within the scene.srt
├─◆7. Performing Special Edits
│ └─◇ 0701 Removing profanities by reversing audio.srt
│ └─◇ 0702 Removing profanities with instrumentals.srt
│ └─◇ 0703 Keeping a song in sequence.srt
│ └─◇ 0704 Layering audio.srt
│ └─◇ 0705 Time stretching.srt
│ └─◇ Goodbye.srt






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