【Lynda】Illustrator CS4 New Features【CHN】中英文字幕[SRT]

作者: acely. 分类: Lynda中文字幕, ◇ 设计与绘画

教程名称:Illustrator CS4 New Features
作者:Mordy Golding
使用软件:Illustrator CS4
时长: 1h 6m
发布日期: Sep 23, 2008


Illustrator CS4 New Features[SRT]
├─◆0. Introduction
│ └─◇ 0001 Welcome.srt
├─◆1. New Features
│ └─◇ 0101 The common Adobe user interface.srt
│ └─◇ 0102 Using multiple artboards with Bleed Support.srt
│ └─◇ 0103 The improved Appearance panel.srt
│ └─◇ 0104 The new Graphic Styles behavior.srt
│ └─◇ 0105 Enhanced clipping masks.srt
│ └─◇ 0106 The all-new Expressive Blob brush.srt
│ └─◇ 0107 Easy-to-edit transparent gradients.srt
│ └─◇ 0108 Intuitive Smart Guides.srt
│ └─◇ 0109 The Separations Preview panel.srt
│ └─◇ 0110 Isolation mode enhancements.srt
│ └─◇ 0111 Easy-to-use alignment features.srt
│ └─◇ 0112 The Color Blindness preview.srt
│ └─◇ 0113 Changes to the default Pathfinder behavior.srt
│ └─◇ 0114 The Crop Marks live effect.srt
│ └─◇ 0115 New templates and content.srt
├─◆2. Creative Pro Services
│ └─◇ 0201 ConnectNow.srt
│ └─◇ 0202 Kuler.srt
│ └─◇ 0203 Community help.srt
│ └─◇ Goodbye.srt







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