【Lynda】Dreamweaver CS5 Getting Started with HTML5【CHN】中英文字幕[SRT]

作者: acely. 分类: Lynda中文字幕, ◇ 编程与开发

教程名称:Dreamweaver CS5 Getting Started with HTML5
作者:Joseph Lowery
主题:Web + Interactive, HTML + HTML5
使用软件:Dreamweaver CS5, CS5.5, HTML 5
时长: 1h 58m
发布日期: Mar 16, 2011


Dreamweaver CS5 Getting Started with HTML5[SRT]
├─◆0. Introduction
│ └─◇ 0001 Welcome.srt
│ └─◇ 0002 Using the exercise files.srt
│ └─◇ 0003 Who can benefit from this course.srt
├─◆1. Dreamweaver HTML5 Updates
│ └─◇ 0101 Installing HTML5 in Dreamweaver.srt
│ └─◇ 0102 Scoping out HTML5.srt
│ └─◇ 0103 Understanding HTML5 templates.srt
├─◆2. Enhanced Structural Tags
│ └─◇ 0201 Understanding the benefits of structural tags.srt
│ └─◇ 0202 Implementing basic page layout.srt
│ └─◇ 0203 Adding sections.srt
│ └─◇ 0204 Making an aside.srt
│ └─◇ 0205 Using heading groups.srt
│ └─◇ 0206 Framing articles.srt
├─◆3. CSS3 Media Queries
│ └─◇ 0301 Using the Multiscreen Preview panel.srt
│ └─◇ 0302 Designing for tablets.srt
│ └─◇ 0303 Optimizing smartphone layouts.srt
│ └─◇ 0304 Handling the iOS viewports.srt
├─◆4. Native Media Implementation
│ └─◇ 0401 Embedding video without a plug-in.srt
│ └─◇ 0402 Using the HTML5 Video Player widget.srt
│ └─◇ 0403 Playing audio without a plug-in.srt
│ └─◇ 0404 Drawing on a canvas.srt
├─◆5. Next Generation Forms
│ └─◇ 0501 Inserting new input types.srt
│ └─◇ 0502 Designing with enhanced attributes.srt
│ └─◇ 0503 Setting ranges with spinners and sliders.srt
│ └─◇ 0504 Choosing calendar dates.srt
├─◆6. New Wave Typography
│ └─◇ 0601 Understanding web fonts.srt
│ └─◇ 0602 Declaring @font-face families.srt
│ └─◇ 0603 Implementing CSS3 type effects.srt
├─◆7. Working with HTML5 Now
│ └─◇ 0701 Setting up styles.srt
│ └─◇ 0702 Detecting features.srt
│ └─◇ Next Steps.srt




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