【Lynda】After Effects Apprentice系列英文字幕[1-14]-SRT格式
来自Lynda.com的After Effects Apprentice系列教学,较为深入浅出的教会你AE所需要掌握的大多数知识,是学习AE不可多得的优秀教材。本字幕包共包含本系列共14套教程的全部英文字幕,全部为SRT格式。
├─After Effects Apprentice 01-Pre-Roll
├─After Effects Apprentice 02-Basic Animation
├─After Effects Apprentice 03-Advanced Animation
├─After Effects Apprentice 04-Layer Control
├─After Effects Apprentice 05-Creating Transparency
├─After Effects Apprentice 06-Type and Music
├─After Effects Apprentice 07-Parenting
├─After Effects Apprentice 08-Nesting and Precomposing
├─After Effects Apprentice 09-Expressions
├─After Effects Apprentice 10-Time Games
├─After Effects Apprentice 11-3D Space
├─After Effects Apprentice 12-Tracking and Keying
├─After Effects Apprentice 13-Paint and Puppet
├─After Effects Apprentice 14-Shape Layers
>>>>>After Effects Apprentice系列英文字幕[1-14]-Trish Meyer共14套<<<<<
标签:After Effects, Lynda, SRT, 特效, 英文字幕, 视频