【Lynda】Drawing Vector Graphics【CHN】中英文字幕[SRT]
教程名称:Drawing Vector Graphics
作者:Von Glitschka
主题:Design, Illustration, Logo Des[……]…
教程名称:Drawing Vector Graphics
作者:Von Glitschka
主题:Design, Illustration, Logo Des[……]…
教程名称:Artistic Painting with Illustrator Natural Media Brushes
作者:Sharon Steuer[……]…
教程名称:Green Screen Techniques for Video and Photography
作者:sRichard Harrington an[……]…
教程名称:Transforming a Photo into a Painting with Photoshop CS6
作者:John Derry
教程名称:Foundations of Photography Specialty Lenses
作者:Ben Long
主题:Photography, Ca[……]…
教程名称:VFX Techniques Crowd Replication with After Effects
作者:Lee Lanier
教程名称:Photoshop CS6 One-on-One Intermediate
作者:Deke McClelland
主题:Design, Digita[……]…
教程名称:Illustrator CS6 One-on-One Fundamentals
作者: Deke McClelland
主题: Design, Di[……]…
教程名称:Fireworks CS6 New Features
作者:Ray Villalobos
使用软件:Fireworks CS6[……]…
教程名称:Photoshop CS6 for Photographers New Features
作者:Chris Orwig
教程名称:Fireworks CS6 Essential Training
作者:Ray Villalobos
主题:Web, Web Graphics, P[……]…
教程名称:Dreamweaver CS6 Essential Training
作者:James Williamson
教程名称:Photoshop CS6 for Photographers
作者:Chris Orwig
教程名称:Illustrator CS6 One-on-One Advanced
作者:Deke McClelland
主题:Design, Illustra[……]…
教程名称:InDesign CS6 Interactive Documents
作者: Mike Rankin
主题:Design, Design Proje[……]…
教程名称:Premiere Pro CS6 Essential Training
作者:Abba Shapiro
主题:Video, Video Editin[……]…