【Lynda】Photoshop CS5 Essential Training【CHN】中英文字幕[SRT]
教程名称:Photoshop CS5 Essential Training
作者:Michael Ninness
主题:Photography, Design[……]…
教程名称:Photoshop CS5 Essential Training
作者:Michael Ninness
主题:Photography, Design[……]…
教程名称:Photoshop CS5 One-on-One: Mastery
作者:Deke McClelland
主题:Design, Photograph[……]…
教程名称:Photoshop CS5: Portrait Retouching
作者:Chris Orwig
主题:Design, Photography,[……]…
教程名称:Photoshop CS5 New Features
作者:Jan Kabili
主题:Design, Photography
教程名称:Photoshop CS5 One-on-One: Advanced
作者:Deke McClelland
主题:Design, Photograp[……]…
教程名称:Photoshop CS5 Top Five
作者:Deke McClelland
主题:Design, Photography
教程名称:Photoshop CS5 Extended One-on-One: 3D Objects
作者:Deke McClelland
主题:3D + A[……]…
教程名称:Photoshop CS5 for the Web
作者:Jan Kabili
主题:Web, Web Graphics, Prototyping,[……]…
教程名称:Photoshop CS5: Prepress and Printing
作者:Taz Tally
主题:Design, Print Product[……]…
教程名称:Photoshop CS5 One-on-One: Fundamentals
作者:Deke McClelland
主题:Design, Photo[……]…
教程名称:Photoshop CS5 Extended One-on-One: 3D Scenes
作者:Deke McClelland
主题:3D + An[……]…
教程名称:Photoshop CS5: Painting with the Mixer Brush
作者:John Derry
主题:Design, Digi[……]…
教程名称:Photoshop CS5 Extended One-on-One: 3D Type Effects
作者:Deke McClelland
教程名称:InCopy CS4 and InDesign CS4 Workflow Essential Training
作者:Anne-Marie Conce[……]…
教程名称:InDesign CS4 Power Shortcuts
作者:Michael Ninness
教程名称:InDesign CS4: Typography
作者:Nigel French
主题:Design, Typography